MuToVe winter school February 14–15, 2024: Call for papers (DL 8.1.) - muto

Finnish Doctoral Network for Music Research
The Finnish Doctoral Network for Music Research is comprised of eight universities: Sibelius Academy, the University of Helsinki, the Universities of Eastern Finland, Jyväskylä, Oulu, Tampere and Turku, and Åbo Akademi.
The central operating principle of the network is upholding the preceding Doctoral Programme in Music Research (2012–2015), that is, supporting national multidisciplinary research on music and the surrounding cultural reality.
NOTE: This network does not award doctoral degrees. It exists to further collaboration in doctoral studies and supervision between music research units in Finnish universities. If you are interested in doctoral studies in Finland, kindly contact the professor(s) working in university department(s) that appear most suitable for your topic and approach.Also, there are no funded doctoral student positions available in the network itself: all doctoral students within the network are post-graduate students of the partner universities.
null MuToVe winter school February 14–15, 2024: Call for papers (DL 8.1.)
The next MuToVe winter school will be taking place from February 14–15, 2024 in Kallio-Kuninkala, Järvenpää. All doctoral candidates involved in music research are eligible to apply.
The application form for the next winter school of the Finnish Doctoral Network for Music Research is now open online (, password: 24talvikoulu). The application deadline is January 8, 2024. We will inform all applicants of the acceptance by January 15, 2024.
In the winter school, each participant has the opportunity to present their doctoral project by preparing one article, thesis chapter, or working paper (max. 20 pages), which will be sent to other attendees at least two weeks prior to the event. Music performances, as part of presentations, are also very welcome, but in addition to this, some textual content is helpful in clarifying the scope and the disposition of the whole project. Our goal is to facilitate the discussion and commentary of all work presented in the winter school, across disciplinary boundaries. In the application form, applicants are asked to provide the working title of their paper, as well as a short description of their doctoral project and their research plan (including a preliminary table of contents).
The winter school will take place in Kallio-Kuninkala as two-day event with the option of participating online via Zoom. 15 participants can be accommodated onsite in Kallio-Kuninkala. The overall cost for meals and accommodation will be 35 e/participant and the accommodation facilities in Kallio-Kuninkala are double or triple rooms. We will do our best to provide as spacious accommodation conditions as possible. Travel costs by using public transportation to and from Kallio-Kuninkala will be covered.
The keynote lectures/workshops (one on both days) will continue the policy of the previous years: they touch upon questions that are shared by doctoral students of different areas of music research. More information on the winter school program will be available in December-January. We will, of course, take into consideration all feedback from the previous events, as well as any suggestions or remarks in this form.
Should you have any questions regarding the winter school, please do not hesitate to contact the network's coordinator Marianne Mieskolainen (, tel. +358407041236). The writing instructions can also be requires via email.